...a true Kingdom business...

HR Services Overview


Automation – All of Paymasters timekeeping is stored online via the Internet to a single server station.  This eliminates the need to combine or poll punches from one clock or location with another.  In addition to times in and out, tipped employees can be prompted to report their tips by entering them into the time clock at the end of a shift for payroll calculations.

Versatility – Everything you need to get started is included.  With over a dozen different types of clocks or “data collection devices” that can be mixed and matched to fit each working environment, Paymasters has something for everyone.  Additional clocks or equipment may be purchased at any time for an additional fee.

Upgrades and Support - Since this is a service, there is no software to buy, no costly upgrades or annual support fees and no costly system to maintain.  Since this is a true web based service, technical support is quick and easy.

Accuracy –Unlike conventional time cards, electronic punches are always applied to the right line and date taking the guesswork out of sloppy paper card punches.  Punches are totaled automatically giving total times worked for each day and week to date.

Security and Accountability – Knowing exactly who was where and when.  For higher security, Paymasters offers time clocks that will ensure no more “buddy punching” and offer the added security of a door access control system if required.

Multi-Level Security and Access – This feature enables the client to allow all management personnel to access the system.  Each with a customized logon and access to only those employees, reports and edit features that they need.  The security is versatile enough to allow even employees to be able to log on and check or even verify their own hours to date and access their schedules.

Flexible Reporting and Management Tools – With dozens of reports breaking down information in up to five different levels, management can easily monitor productivity as well as job costing.  And with the multi level security, information and reports can be easily obtained by other divisions or corporate offices instantaneously.

Quick Payroll Turnaround – Paymasters automated timekeeping system allows us to process the payroll much more quickly, accurately and efficiently shortening the windows between the end of the pay period and processing of payroll.